Hamas condemns al-Burhan meeting with Netanyahu

The Islamic resistance movement Hamas on Monday evening condemned the meeting of the head of Sudan’s sovereign council with the head of the Israeli occupation government yesterday in Uganda.

Hazem Qassem, Hamas movement’s spokesman in Gaza, confirmed in a press release that these normalization meetings encourage the occupation to continue its crimes and aggression against our Palestinian people and violate the sanctity of the Arab and Islamic nation. I

“It also encourages the occupation and the American administration to continue to deny the legitimate rights of our people, the statement read.

Qassim stressed that the Zionist occupation is the greatest threat to Arab national security.

He said:  ” The Zionist regime is carrying out its aggression against the historical rights of our nation, so the cycle of normalization, which serves only the occupation and its expansionist ambitions and that is against the interests of our Arab peoples and their national security.”

Qassem called on the components of the nation at the official and popular level to confront the Zionist project based on fighting all attempts at Arab advancement, and to stand up to its hostile policies to the nation’s principles and identity.


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