Yemen’s Armed Forces Score New Achievement, issue a statement

On the eve of the fifth anniversary of the war on Yemen, the Yemeni Armed Forces unveiled yet another achievement against the enemies of their country, in which hundreds of the hostile forces were either killed, detained of injured. Additionally, many more gains were made.


The Yemeni Armed Forces issued the following statement:

In the Name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful

{But if they intend to betray you – then they have already betrayed Allah before, and He empowered [you] over them. And Allah is Knowing and Wise} Holy Quran, Anfal 71

The Yemeni Armed Forces continue liberating all directorates of al-Jawf Province, except for the directorates of Khabb, Shaaf and al-Hazm Desert in a wide-scale operation “Allah Empowered You Over Them”.

Within five days of violent confrontations, and in response to the enemy’s escalation in the province, the Yemeni Armed Forces achieved the following:

  • Forcing the so-called sixth military zone to retreat, which includes all its military brigades
  • Leaving hundreds of the enemy forces either killed, detained or injured 
  • Seizing a variety of weapons 

The Rocketry Force as well as the Propelled Air Force took part in the operation. They carried out more than 50 operations, some of which targeted the Saudi depth in response to the Saudi military escalation.

The Armed Forces hail the prominent and honorable role of the tribes in al-Jawf in accomplishing this achievement. They also stress that they will continue their efforts to liberate the entire territories of the Yemeni Republic until it gains its complete independence.

The Yemeni Armed Forces are working to settle the situation in al-Jawf after expelling the enemy forces and their mercenaries from all directorates.

On this level, we thank Allah the Splendid and Almighty for His support and empowerment, in addition to facilitating our path to victory and sight

{And you threw not when you threw, but it was Allah who threw that He might test the believers with a good test} Holy Quran, Anfal 17

All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds.

Long live Yemen, dignified and independent.

Victory be to Yemen and all free people of the nation.

Source: Al-Ahed news

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