Sons of Al-Safra, in Saada, provide convoy for the battlefronts as loyalty to Al-Sammad

In fulfillment of the martyr President, Saleh Al-Sammad, and in conjunction with the anniversary of his martyrdom, the people of Al-Safra district of Saada governorate on Saturday provided food and financial convoy in the name of “Al-Wafa Caravan for the martyr Al-Sammad ” to support the fighters if the Yemeni army and popular committees on the battlefronts.

The people of the directorate organized an armed tribal protest in which they declared the general aversion and steadfastness to the project of the martyr President al-Sammad, a hand protects and others builds, until achieving the whole victory over the brutal US-Saudi aggression.

They declared their full support for the comprehensive solution document presented by the Supreme Political Council, stressing not to depend on the enemy and to act with all responsibility to confront the aggression and its mercenaries.

For his turn , the governor of the province, Saleh Oqab Ataa, praised the generosity of the people of Al-Safra directorate, which represented their continuous assignment of the fronts with money and men, indicating that this is evidence of their awareness and great resilience in the face of brutal aggression.

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