YMU Condemns Aggression’s Detention of Oil Ships

The Yemeni Media Union strongly condemned the Saudi-led aggression’s detention of oil derivatives ships, the tightening of the blockade and the worsening of economic conditions.

The Union pointed out in a statement that these arbitrary measures taken by the coalition of aggression led to double the suffering of the Yemeni people at a time when the world is united in facing the corona pandemic, providing health care requirements and saving the infected people.

The Union stressed that the continued detention of oil derivative ships and preventing them from unloading their cargo in the ports of Hodeidah reveals aggressive brutality targeting the daily movement of citizens, institutions and service sectors, including the media sector, which was negatively affected at the level of institutions and workers.

The statement called on the international community to pay attention to the humanitarian side in Yemen, and strive to lift the blockade, stop the aggression and allow the flow of commercial shipments and humanitarian aid, especially medicines, including those related in particular to confronting COVID-9.


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