Trump calls on Bin Zayed to encourage countries in region to normalize with Israeli occupation

US President Donald Trump on Sunday called on UAE Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan to encourage other countries in the Middle East to normalize normalization with the Israeli occupation entity.


White House deputy spokesman  said, in a statement, that Trump and al-Nahyan discussed the latest developments in the Middle East during a phone call.


He added that Trump called on the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi to encourage other countries in the region to follow the same path as the UAE in this context.


He explained that Trump thanked Mohammed bin Zayed for his congratulations, and expressed his congratulations to him for the leadership he showed during the signing phase of the “Brahimi Agreement” (the normalization agreement between the UAE and the occupation entity.)


On September 15, the UAE and Bahrain signed agreements to normalize relations with Israel during a White House ceremony with U.S. President Donald Trump.


The normalization accord was met with widespread Palestinian condemnation, which the factions and the Palestinian leadership called “treason” by the UAE and a stab wound to the back of the Palestinian people.


The Palestinian leadership rejects any normalization of relations between the Zionist occupation entity and the Arab States, before the end of the Israeli occupation of the occupied territories in 1967.


The Deputy White House spokesman confirmed that al-Nahyan congratulated Trump on the call for his own recovery from the Coronavirus.

Source: Agencies.

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