Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi: Macron Is Nothing But Puppet of Jewish Zionists

The leader of the revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi, said that the Islamic nation today is fraught with problems and crises, and the occasion of the Prophet’s birthday should be a station to face these challenges,according to al-masirah.

In his speech on the occasion of Prophet Mohammed birthday (PBUH), Sayyed Abdulmalik added that the cause of all the major problems and corruption that our nation and human society suffer from is the deviation from the Prophet’s message.

Regarding the French insult to the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and the position of the French President Emmanuel Macron towards Islam, Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi said: Macron is nothing but a puppet of the Jewish Zionists, and they push him to insult Islam and the Messenger (PBUH).

The leader stressed that the tyrants US, Israel and their alliance are an extension of the distortion of the straight path, adding that the Western regime that permits insulting God and prophets, and prevents unveiling the plots of the Zionist Jews, is a witness to the control of the Zionist lobby over Western regimes and media.

Regarding the issue of normalization and between some Arab countries with the Zionist entity, Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi explained that declaring these deals is a betrayal and participating with enemies to target the nation.

He added that the Saudi authorities allowed the Jews flights while besieging the Yemeni people and imprisoning the free Palestinian people only because of their rightful stance against the Israeli enemy. He added that the Saudi, Emirati, Al Khalifa and the Sudanese regimes are partners with US and Israel in their plots.

About the assassination of the Minister Hassan Zaid, Sayyed Al-Houthi describes it as brutal, holding the Saudi aggression coalition responsible for the crime.

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