Plant protection seizes five thousand and 493 tons of peas infected with WFP warehouse pests

The General Department of Plant Protection of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, represented by the plant quarantine station team in the port of Hodeidah, seized five thousand and 493 tons of green and dry peas infected with warehouse pests belonging to the World Food Program.

The Director of Plant Protection, Engineer Hilal Al-Jashari, stated that it was confirmed that the shipment was infected with warehouse pests in its different phases, and at rates that exceeded the allowed by the quarantine law.It was based on the inspection of the Plant Quarantine and Prevention team, who are concerned with inspecting the plant consignments at the Plant Quarantine Station in the port of Hodeidah.

He pointed out that the data confirm that the shipment is in violation of the plant quarantine law and its executive regulations, and that the containers in which the plant consignments were transported are not suitable for transporting foodstuffs for human consumption because they are worn out, unclean, and not sterile, and there are remnants of previous shipments.

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