Hezbollah: Arab-Israeli military exercises a stain on the princes of normalization

The joint Arab-Israeli military exercises are a stab at the heart of al-Quds (Jerusalem),  Palestine and in the heart of all the peoples of the region. The exercise is a disgrace for the princes of normalization, Member of Hezbollah’s Central Council Sheikh Nabil Qaouq said

“The weapon of resistance has been, continues to be and will remain to confront the Israeli enemy. No one can change this path. No matter what the pressure, crises and external interventions, the priority of the resistance will remain more prepared and prepared to confront any Israeli aggression, and then we promise our people that we will make the greatest victory that will be greater than the victory of 2000 and 2006,” Sheikh Qaouq said during a visit organized by Hezbollah for the families of the martyrs .

“The resistance has become stronger more than it was in 2006, and today it is the bulwark of all the country and all Lebanese from all regions and sects, and today it is the title of dignity, glory and pride for all Arabs,” he added.

“The South, with the equation of the army, the people and the resistance, is today the first barricade to defend all national dignity and sovereignty, which we will bring with the blood of our martyrs, and we cannot allow or accept that this dignity  to be overstated as an atom, because dignity protected by blood. It is too sacred for anyone to humiliate it,” he stressed.

Source: Agency

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