Information Minister visits Al-Mujahideen in al-Malaheed, al-Madafen fronts in Jizan

The Minister of Information, Dhaifallah Al-Shami, visited the heroes of the army, who defended the honor and dignity of the Yemeni people and the sovereignty and independence of the homeland.

During his visit to Al-Mujahideen in the axes of Al-Malaheedh and al-Madafen in the Jizan front, the Minister of Information conveyed the congratulations of the leader of the revolution,al- Sayeed Abdulmalik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, Mahdi Al-Mashat Chairman of the Supreme Political Council, On the occasion Eid Al-Fitr.

He praised the level of discipline, morale and high readiness enjoyed by Al-Mujahideen, noting that the victories achieved by the Yemeni people and their armed forces.

He said, “These victories forced the forces of aggression to submit to the just Yemeni will, which refuses submission and humiliation to external hegemony, whatever it may be.”

Minister Al-Shami indicated that the visit to the fighters in the axes of Al-Malaheedh and Al-Madafeen in the Jizan front comes to share with them the joys of Eid Al-Fitr.

While Al-Mujahideen expressed their gratitude for the visit of the Minister of Information and his participation in their celebrations of Eid Al-Fitr.

They affirmed the continued steadfastness in defending the land, honor, national sovereignty, and readiness for any tasks assigned to them.

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