The Leader: We are in complete coordination with the axis of resistance, and if the Americans intervene, we are ready to do so


Posted on October 10, 2023
Ansarollah website – Sana’a

Sayyed. Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi confirmed in his speech today to review the developments in Palestine that there is complete coordination with the axis of resistance, but there are red lines and direct American intervention will be met with our military intervention into the battle.

Sayyed said: “We are in complete coordination with our brothers in the axis of jihad and resistance, to do everything we can, and everything we can do, and this coordination has red lines and certain levels of events, including: If the American intervenes directly, militarily on his part.” And now it provides support to the Israeli enemy, if it intervenes directly, we are ready to do so, even at the level of missile bombardment, marches, military options, and with everything we can.”

Sayyed added: “There are also red lines with regard to the situation related to Gaza Strip. In this regard, we are in full coordination with our brothers in the axis of jihad and resistance, and we are prepared accordingly to intervene with all we can, and we will ensure – God willing – that we have helpful options to do this.” This will have a significant impact within the framework of our coordination with our brothers in the axis of jihad and resistance, God willing.”

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