Demonstrations in cities and international capitals denouncing the Zionist aggression against the Gaza Strip


Posted on April 20, 2024
Ansarollah website – Follow-ups

Today, Saturday, many cities and world capitals witnessed massive demonstrations denouncing the Zionist aggression against the Gaza Strip.

Thousands participated in demonstrations organized in the Danish capital, Copenhagen, the city of Aarhus, the Swiss capital, Geneva, Milan in Italy, Stuttgart in Germany, the capital Berlin, the British capital London, the city of Manchester, Göteborg, Malmo and Uppsala in Sweden, in support of the Palestinian people, and to demand a ceasefire, and the entry of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.

Participants in the demonstrations raised Palestinian flags and banners denouncing the crimes committed by the Israeli enemy against our people.

The participants called for an end to double standards and the need to prosecute the Israeli entity for its massacres against the Palestinian people, especially children, and condemned the genocide in the Gaza Strip.


#The_Zionist_enemy #The_American_British_aggression_against_Yemen

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