Sayyid Al-Houthi First Speech Following Israeli Aggression: 5th Phase Begins

In a speech delivered on Sunday, Yemeni leader Sayyid Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi conveyed numerous messages both domestically and internationally. This address was his first following the direct Israeli aggression against Yemen.

Sayyid al-Houthi reaffirmed Yemen’s steadfast and escalating support for the Palestinian people in Gaza, who have been subjected to a massive genocidal war by Israel for the past ten months. He emphasized that “the enemy’s choice of targets is aimed at undermining Yemen’s economy, with the intention of harming our dear people and their livelihood.” He noted that “the Americans are waging an economic and military war on our dear people, and also moving their tools and agents to increase the level of the blockade.”

Sayyid Al-Houthi stated, “The Israeli enemy’s targeting of mazut and diesel brought by traders to sell to citizens is merely for show, aiming to display burning fires.” He highlighted that “the American-British aggression on Yemen from its first day has not been able to stop our operations, nor limit or weaken them,” explaining that “the raids on our country were carried out with American bombs, as is the case in Palestine, targeting civilian facilities and civilians,” pointing to the unity of the battle and the enemy.

Pleased with Confrontation Against the Israeli Enemy

One of the key messages in the speech was Sayyid al-Houthi’s assertion that the Yemeni people will never be affected or retreat from their position, decision, and choice to raise the banner of jihad in support of the Palestinian people. He affirmed that “the Israeli enemy will not possess deterrence, nor will it regain it against support operations from our country, and the results will be more escalation and targeting.”

Sayyid al-Houthi reminded everyone of the inevitable reciprocal equation for any aggression against Yemen, stating that “the development of capabilities and adapting to the level of challenge will continue as it was with the onset of the American-British aggression on Yemen.” He noted that “the capabilities of our armed forces have developed more and more, our operations are becoming stronger and more effective, and the result has been the American and British getting embroiled without achieving their declared objective.”

In this context, Sayyid al-Houthi confirmed that “the Israeli aggression on our country will contribute to escalating our operations against them further and in developing our capabilities as well, and the enemy will lose and drag more risks upon itself.”

Sayyid al-Houthi conveyed a message affirming that “our capabilities at this stage are greater than ever before, and their horizon is wide towards what is more painful and impactful on the enemy, and more successful in overcoming their interception and jamming techniques,” warning of harsher stages ahead for the enemy.

He emphasized that “our position as Yemeni people is clear as we engage in a sacred battle, not a frivolous one. Anyone who doubts our position should stand similarly or even more.” He noted that “with the Israeli enemy’s direct aggression on our country, it is an opportunity to identify the hypocrite who harbors hatred against our people and presents themselves as serving the Israeli.”

In his speech, Sayyid al-Houthi said, “We are pleased that the battle today is direct between us and the enemy, and we have been pleased since the beginning of the support with the direct confrontation against the American and British.”

He added, “Our Yemeni people are pleased to be in direct confrontation against the Israeli enemy, a steadfast and brave people,” adding, “I feel and know this dear people well; they are pleased to be in direct confrontation against the Israeli enemy, a steadfast and brave people.”

Sayyid al-Houthi noted that “these events are not new or strange to our jihadist Yemeni people, who have gained capability and experience from past stages and are accustomed to difficult circumstances.”

Launching the Fifth Phase

In his speech, Sayyid al-Houthi announced the start of the fifth phase of escalation against the Zionist enemy, beginning with the blessed Yemeni operation in the heart of “Yafa” (Tel Aviv).

He confirmed that “the plane is of Yemeni manufacture, launched by Yemeni forces, not as some call it, made in other countries or launched from other countries.”

Sayyid al-Houthi said, “We announce that targeting Yafa is the beginning of the fifth phase of escalation, considering it a new equation that will continue and solidify, Allah’s willing, and with His support.”

He elaborated by saying, “We left it to our brothers in the Palestinian resistance to name the plane that targeted the enemy’s administrative core, and they called it ‘Yafa.'”

He added that “the arrival of the ‘Yafa’ plane to a key administrative center of the enemy was disturbing for them and is considered a new equation and a new phase,” explaining that “the threat was not expected or familiar in the Israeli reality from outside Palestine,” pointing out that “Gaza’s resistance directed many rocket barrages at ‘Yafa’ but from within Palestine, making Yemen’s operation a precedent for such operations.”

Sayyid al-Houthi noted that “the ‘Yafa’ operation formed a major psychological blow to the enemy, with panic and anxiety spreading among the enemy’s community in the city, the targeted neighborhood, and the American consulate,” explaining that “the magnitude of the strike, its impact, and its resonance were clear and exceeded any attempts to downplay its importance and significance.”

In this context, Sayyid al-Houthi confirmed that “the threat will continue, In shaa Allah, in ‘Tel Aviv,’ and the new equation clearly indicates the complete failure of all the enemy’s protectors and agents,” pointing out that “the American, British, and their European allies, as well as their Arab agents, failed to prevent the threat from reaching the enemy entity,” noting that “the Israeli found himself in a real predicament and a serious problem, facing a new equation with a significant impact on him.”

Sayyid al-Houthi sent a strong message to the Zionist enemy by saying, “The usurping Israelis of Palestine should fear and worry more than ever and realize that their foolish leaders are dragging more risks upon them.”

We Are Stronger This Time

Sayyid al-Houthi pointed to the great readiness for the upcoming phase, affirming that the indicators point to the collapse of the Zionist enemy, leading to its demise.

He said, “The cooperation between us and the rest of the support fronts is close and strong, with coordination developing more and more, and its outcome and importance in failing the enemy and putting pressure on it,” adding, “The axis is the axis of Al-Aqsa and Al-Quds, centered around the injustice of the Palestinian people and the holy sites,” pointing out that “the coordination with the jihad axis is beneficial in serving the Palestinian cause and enhancing the general stance against the Israeli enemy.”

Sayyid al-Houthi urged the people of our nation to realize that this stage is very important, with a hot confrontation with the Israeli enemy,” following his speech by saying, “We are stronger in this battle than at any previous stage, and our capabilities are constantly evolving to face challenges at any level.”

He continued, “The Israeli enemy is the failure and the loser, and will never regain deterrence, and our operations continue to please Allah and our people, bringing joy to the hearts of the oppressed Palestinian people,” affirming “the reassurance, and there is no worry at all, as we engage in the battle relying on Allah and our trust in Him.”

Sayyid al-Houthi gave glad tidings to the Arab and Islamic nation by saying, “This stage is important and carries great heralds of victory and the promised conquest, with clear indicators that the Israeli enemy is heading towards collapse.”

He added, “The enemy is heading towards demise, instead of its trajectory ascending to become more powerful and more stable,” reiterating that “the enemy is moving in a reverse trajectory towards collapse, regression, and the decline of deterrence and the state of reverse migration.”

Sayyid al-Houthi substantiated this by “the significant impacts of this battle on the enemy from within, a clear situation acknowledged by its leaders and experts, as they describe it as an ‘existential threat.'”

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