Military and Political Analysts: Yemen Ushers in a New Era of ‘No U.S. Presence’ in the Region

For the first time since 2001, the waters of Asia are void of American aircraft carriers, a direct result of the Yemeni Armed Forces’ military operations that have dealt painful blows to both the U.S. and Israel.

In an unexpected move, the U.S. has drastically reduced its naval presence in the Red Sea, driven by persistent Yemeni attacks involving warboats, ballistic missiles, and drones. These developments, predicted only by the Yemeni military, forced the U.S. into difficult decisions.

Commenting on this shift, Naif Haidan, a member of Yemen’s Shura Council, stated that what is occurring in the Red Sea, Arabian Sea, and the Pacific Ocean is not a minor event, nor a simple situation. “Despite the ongoing aggression against Yemen, this decision wasn’t made lightly,” he said, adding, “It was taken in solidarity with Palestine and the Palestinian cause.”

Haidan emphasized the impact of this Yemeni decision on Israel and the broader geopolitical stage. “American arrogance has been crushed. The false prestige of the U.S. has been wiped out due to Yemen’s firm stance.”

Haidan further noted, “The U.S. came as the protector, but it failed to protect its own ships and carriers. It was forced to withdraw its aircraft carriers from the Red Sea because it could not shield them from Yemeni strikes.” He highlighted that previous Yemeni governments had not taken a genuine stand on the Palestinian issue, aligning more with the U.S. and Israel, offering only empty rhetoric to pacify their populations.

Haidan believes that under Yemen’s current, sincere leadership, which truly represents the people, the results have been both honorable and positive, not only domestically but also regionally. He declared, “Today, Yemen sets an exemplary model of Arab and Islamic solidarity, teaching the world’s leaders invaluable lessons in ethics and humanity.”

U.S. Failure in Regional Waters

Brigadier General Abdul Ghani Al-Zubaidi, an expert in military and political affairs, explained that the Americans are fully aware of the major setbacks they’ve suffered, particularly the damage to the USS Eisenhower. “Having aircraft carriers in the region during such volatile times is now a significant risk for them.”

Al-Zubaidi pointed out that this is the first time in U.S. history that its aircraft carriers have withdrawn from the Red Sea. He highlighted that this retreat occurred despite America’s historical dominance over the seas through its carriers. “But they have failed, and their vulnerabilities have been exposed. They do not want to incur further losses beyond what they’ve already suffered.”

Washington Seeks to Avoid Further Embarrassment

Political activist Talib Al-Hasani noted that the U.S. began pulling its aircraft carriers from the Red Sea to avoid further humiliation. He pointed out that the U.S. still maintains a presence at its massive “Lemonier” base in Djibouti, one of its largest in Africa.

Al-Hasani emphasized that while U.S. aircraft carriers may have left the region, this does not signify a complete military withdrawal. “The American military presence continues in Africa and other locations,” he said.

Al-Hasani explained that Washington’s operations are primarily focused on maintaining its military foothold in the region. However, he added, “Many shifts are occurring, including the defeat in the Red Sea, Bab al-Mandab, the Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea, and parts of the Indian Ocean.”

This significant withdrawal of U.S. naval forces from the region signals a turning point in regional dynamics, with Yemen emerging as a formidable player, reshaping the strategic landscape with Allah’s support.

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