Hamas: Al-Karamah Crossing Operation is a Natural Response to the Enemy’s Crimes in the West Bank and Gaza

Published on September 8, 2024
Ansarullah Website – Follow-ups

The Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas confirmed that “the heroic operation carried out by one of Jordan’s brave men at Al-Karamah Crossing is a natural response to the holocaust carried out by the Zionist enemy against the sons of the Palestinian people in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.”

In a statement issued today, Sunday, Hamas said that ” Al-Karamah Crossing operation is an affirmation of the Arab peoples’ rejection of the occupation and its crimes, and its ambitions in Palestine and Jordan, and their strong support for our people and their valiant resistance.”

The movement called on “the peoples of our Arab and Islamic nation to rise up in rejection of the aggression and war of extermination against our people in the Gaza Strip, and the frenzied attack against our people in the West Bank.”

Itcontinued, “Gaza mobilizes the nation and all the free people of the world to rise up against the occupation in support of it, Jerusalem, and the West Bank, and in defense of the dignity of our nation and its national security.”

Three Zionist soldiers were killed this morning, Sunday, in a shooting operation carried out by a Jordanian near Karameh crossing (known in Israel as Allenby) before he was martyred.


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