Repercussions of the Hypersonic Strike “Palestine 2” Shakes the Zionist Entity

In a time when the Palestinian cause faces brutal genocide, Yemen’s stance on the issue emerges as stronger and more resolute than ever. Yemen’s unwavering support for Palestine reflects a firm commitment to religious, humanitarian, and moral values, especially as the positions of many Arab and Islamic countries remain hesitant or passive in the face of the crimes committed by the Zionist entity. Yemen’s stance is not only a symbol of resilience and solidarity with the nation’s issues but also underscores the importance of Arab and Islamic unity in confronting shared challenges.

Yemen takes pride in the fact that the hypersonic missile that exploded in Yaffa, in occupied territories, created a military and political earthquake within the Zionist entity. It triggered chaos and political confusion between the so-called “Israeli government” led by Benjamin Netanyahu and the opposition. This event was not merely a military escalation; it was an alarm bell reflecting the fragile security situation in the region and heightening the sense of unease among the Zionist settlers.


Political Unrest Following the Attack

The political turmoil following this attack highlights a deep division within the Zionist entity’s society. The opposition seized this moment to launch sharp criticisms at Netanyahu, accusing him of failing to ensure national security. In contrast, Netanyahu is attempting to strengthen his position by emphasizing the need for “national unity” in the face of external threats.

In this context, the leader of the opposition “Labor Party,” Yair Golan, attacked Netanyahu’s government, describing it as a  “ failing government that is dragging the country into eternal war.” Golan, in a post on X (formerly Twitter), called on the Zionists to protest daily, stating that only continuous popular pressure could bring down the government. He added: “Once again, we received a reminder this morning of the right-wing government’s constant failure. Instead of closing battlefronts, the zero-government is dragging us into eternal war, internal strife, and an abyss.”

Yair Lapid’s opposition party “There is a Future” echoed these sentiments, stating: “A normal country does not wake up to the fall of a surface-to-surface missile on its territory launched from Yemen.” The party called for what it described as the “national disaster government” to resign.

Growing discontent among Israeli settlers, particularly in the Galilee and Golan regions, has been exacerbated by the Israeli government’s discriminatory policies. Settlers expressed frustration with how the “army” and politicians handled the barrage of rockets and drones fired at the north compared to the reaction to the Yemeni missile strike in central Israel.

Northern settlers voiced their deep dismay, stating: “There is an entire region Israel has abandoned,” and emphasizing a harsh truth: “Some blood is of lesser value.” The head of the Golan Regional Council, Uri Kalner, pointed out: “The sirens in central Israel are a small example of what life is like every day for thousands of people in the north,” noting the irony that “this is how life has been for us in the north for an entire year, not once every few months.”

Additionally, Merav Michaeli, a member of the Zionist Knesset from the Labor Party, criticized the so called government, stating: “The security situation in the country is deteriorating rapidly, and this attack is clear evidence that the government has no effective plan to confront the threats.” Tamar Zandberg, leader of the Meretz Party, condemned Netanyahu’s government, accusing him of using these crises to consolidate power while ignoring the real needs of the citizens.

Benny Gantz, leader of the Blue and White Party, warned that this attack tarnishes Israel’s image internationally and exposes the government’s weakness in handling threats. Opposition members called for an investigation into how the missile reached Yaffa. Zionist Knesset member Omer Bar-Lev emphasized: “We need to know how this missile managed to reach Yaffa and who is responsible for this failure.”


Settlers’ Outrage

Israeli public reactions to the recent events, particularly the explosion of the Yemeni hypersonic missile in Yaffa, were varied, reflecting widespread fear and anger. Many Zionist settlers expressed concern over the deteriorating security situation. One Zionist occupied Yaffa exclamined : “We haven’t felt this level of fear in years. The government must act to protect our lives.”

Several cities in the Zionist entity witnessed protests demanding the resignation of Netanyahu’s government. Protesters carried signs reading: “Security First, Resign Now Netanyahu!” reflecting their dissatisfaction with the government’s performance. Some pointed out that the attack has disrupted their daily lives, with one shop owner lamenting: “People are avoiding going out, and this is affecting our businesses. We need to restore the sense of security.”

Social media platforms saw significant engagement, with users sharing videos and images of the incident, accompanied by comments ranging from anger to calls for urgent action. Polls showed a significant portion of Zionists expressing dissatisfaction with the government’s handling of security threats, which could impact the future of the current “government”.

Overall, these responses indicate that the Israeli Zionist public is in a state of anxiety and instability. The political and social scene within the Zionist entity has been significantly disrupted, forcing a re-evaluation of national security strategies. This could potentially lead to more political discourse, although the outlook remains uncertain amid escalating tensions.


 Contradictions in Western Responses

The US and European reactions to the attack show a striking consistency in their calls for restraint and dialogue, particularly when dealing with attacks from the Arab side. These statements repeatedly affirm what they call Israel’s “right to self-defense,” a stance that sharply contrasts with their indifference to the severe violations against the Palestinian people. This approach reveals a blatant bias and an ethical crisis in international policies.

Western responses to events in the Middle East reflect a prioritization of Zionist settlers’ rights over Palestinian rights, deepening the moral crisis in global politics. While they protect what they call “settlers’ rights” to self-defense, Palestinian civil rights are trampled under the Zionist genocide machine, which continues to commit murder and torture.

This glaring double standard has been evident in the international community’s response to the recent attacks, highlighting its failure to uphold justice and human rights principles. Instead of seeking a just and comprehensive peace, Western countries maintain the status quo, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in the occupied Palestinian territories.

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