Ibb Endowment Office inaugurates distributing of Ramadan basket for 2700 targeted families

The Endowment and Guidance Bureau in Ibb governorate began distributing Ramadan basket to 2700 families in needs, the families of the fighters in the fronts, the martyrs, and the wounded.

During the inauguration, which was attended by the director-general of the Information Office in the governorate, Abdel Basset Al-Nawa, and the general deputy director of the endowment office, Abdulmalik Al-Kaina’e, the general director of the Endowment and Guidance Bureau, Bandar Al-Asal, confirmed that this integrated Ramadan basket is part of Ramadan project launched by the endowment office, which started its first step by providing the needs of 324 mosques of mattresses, Solar systems, hygiene tools, sterilizing and dispensing of subsidies for mosque leaders. The project also included interest in reciting Qur’an and Quranic competitions.

Al-Asal explained that Ramadan basket will be distributed to the poorest families in the ancient city of Ibb, Jableh, and the provincial center, indicating that a thousand baskets will be distributed through the relevant institutions to the families of the martyrs, wounded, and the fighters in Battlefronts.

”The Endowment Office works to spend the endowment revenues according to its legal banks and the endowment texts to restore consideration of the endowments and to play its role in caring for the endowment and directing it in its right way, adding that the food basket number may be increased to reach three thousand Ramadan baskets”, he added.

He pointed out that the procedures for exchange for the basket are carried out in very controlled ways and according to cards that are given to the beneficiary and with the ID card next to the food store and immediately receive his basket without effort.

He noted that the Endowment Office has many plans and projects that will work through it to focus on the care and attention of mosques as a priority and care for them and provide their requirements according to successive phases and steps, and during the next two days, the second phase of the project to provide the needs of mosques with brushes, solar systems, cleaning and sterilization tools will be launched.

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