Rouhani: EU Must Take Stand against Illegal US Moves against Iran

President Hassan Rouhani has once again censured the unilateral American sanctions that are disrupting imports of medical supplies into Iran, renewing a call for the European Union to take a stand against such illegal US moves.
“The Americans have taken the health of 83 million Iranians hostage by imposing cruel sanctions [on them] and preventing the transfer of medicine and essentials to Iran” at a difficult time when a coronavirus outbreak has hit the country, Rouhani said in a phone conversation with his Finnish counterpart Sauli Niinisto on Tuesday.

“Under the ongoing circumstances, the European Union, particularly Finland, should carry out its duty by condemning the illegal measures of the United States,” Rouhani added.
He noted that all countries should be treated similarly in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, especially when it comes to free access to medicine and medical equipment.
The president also lashed out at Washington for adopting a “narrow-minded” approach towards the World Health Organization (WHO) and slapping bans on the UN’s health organ as the entire world community is busy battling the deadly virus.

Source: Press TV

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