Saudi Arabia, UAE… Relentless pursuit to tear Yemen apart

The hatred of Yemenis for the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia has increased due to the conspiratorial role that this state and that kingdom plays to tear apart the Yemeni social fabric and their relentless pursuit of striking Yemeni unity by supporting a herd of unscrupulous mercenaries and a sense of citizenship under a false illusion called “southern independence.”

With this filthy policy, the UAE and Saudi Arabia have become the first enemy of Yemenis and even Arabs in general for their suspected conspiracy role against Arab and Islamic peoples, whose reach reached in many Arab countries “Syria, Libya, Palestine, Lebanon, Somalia, Algeria, and others” which makes us wonder in the interest of those who work in the UAE and Saudi Arabia, all of these actions Unethical in the Arab region?

It has become known that they are behind all the conspiracies, crises and wars in the Arab region, using an enormous financial stockpile to implement conspiracies and intimidations entrusted to them by the American intelligence and Zionism.

In fact, these two countries play their dirty game to tear the country apart, strike its unity at the core, and return to splitting, using a group of dolls calling themselves the Southern Transitional Council to implement their hidden agendas of colonial ambitions on the Yemeni land, its strategic location, its important islands and its multiple resources.

Since the first day that the so-called Saudi-led coalition launched its aggression against Yemen, many wise men and patriotic leaders warned that the issue is not a question of returning what is called legitimacy, but rather there is a hidden agenda and ambitions for Saudi Arabia and the Emirates in Yemen “geographically, history and wealth” and this is what the days revealed and it became clear to everyone.

Saudi Arabia wants security arrangements on the border strip with Yemen with unfair conditions that affect the Yemeni national sovereignty, as well as obtaining a seaport to export oil across the Arab Sea without submitting to international agreements that give the passage state 50 percent of revenue and other ambitions, while the UAE’s goal is to control Yemen’s ports The three are Aden, Al-Hodeidah, Al-Salif, and depriving Yemen of the revenues of those ports, in addition to their ambitions in the Socotra Archipelago.

The UAE and Saudi Arabia are two states without history and without civilization … and they feel the complexity of deficiency when you see the rest of the Arab countries with a glorious history and great civilizations that contributed in supporting the march of human civilization with great and significant contributions .. Saudi Arabia has emerged as a country in the thirties of the last century while what is called the Emirates emerged into existence in the seventies of the last century.

Two states of bastards that predestined to control a tremendous financial stock and instead of focusing on the future and forgetting the past that did not exist originally, they were behaving madly and unbalanced … acts of neglect of reason and common sense to escape from the inferiority complex that they suffer from.

To implement their malignant agendas in Yemen, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are seeking, in a deliberate way, to divide the country into weak and vulnerable entities led by semi-men, puppets implementing the Saudi and UAE agendas. But a country like the Republic of Yemen is rooted in the depths of history, where successive civilizations have prevailed during many historical periods that cannot be the dominant summit of two beings with no history and no roots. We have history to see how Yemeni wisdom and power will deal with them.

Source: Websites


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