Zionist forces arrest 10 Palestinians in West Bank

The Zionist enemy forces arrested, at dawn on Thursday ten Palestinians, including released prisoners, from different parts of the West Bank.

Palestinian sources said that the enemy forces arrested three young men, east of Tulkarm, after raiding their homes, searching and tampering with their contents.

The sources added that the enemy soldiers raided the homes of citizens and severely beat the residents, wounding four of them with bruises and were transferred to Beit Jala Governmental Hospital for treatment.

Meanwhile, the enemy forces arrested four young men from Bethlehem, and severely beat two citizens during their raids on homes in Dheisheh camp.

In Al-Saff Street area in the center of Bethlehem, the enemy forces arrested a young man after they raided and searched his father’s house.

The enemy forces also arrested two young men from Qalqilya governorate, after searching their homes.

Source: Agencies.

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