Trump Orders Pentagon to Reverse Decision to Remove US Aircraft Carrier amid ME Tensions

US President Donald Trump directed the Pentagon to reverse their decision to remove a US aircraft carrier to leave the Middle East amid tensions with Iran, according to a report.

Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller ordered the carrier to return to the Middle East at the direction of Donald Trump following a White House meeting on Sunday, CNN reported, citing a senior defense official.

The decision marked a reversal of an earlier order to move the USS Nimitz out of the region to help ‘de-escalate tensions between Washington and Tehran’.

Miller said in a statement on Sunday that the aircraft would remain in place due to “due to the recent threats issued by Iranian leaders against President Trump and other US government officials”.

The top official explained that had “ordered the USS Nimitz to halt its routine redeployment” and that it would “now remain on station in the US Central Command area of operations.”

According to the outlet, a defense official said that Miller’s idea to send the aircraft out of the area in an attempt at de-escalation had not been approved as a formal policy.

Several US defense sources reportedly told the broadcaster that the decision had taken senior commanders by surprise.

Source: Websites


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