Advocacy groups: 12 Palestinian Mothers Subject to Torture in Israeli Jails

Two rights advocacy groups have reported on the occasion of International Mother’s Day that Israel is holding 12 Palestinian mothers in jail who are subject to various kinds of torture and not allowed to meet with their relatives.

The Palestinian Information Center, citing a report by the Palestinian Prisoners’ Club (PPC) and the Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, said Sunday that the imprisoned Palestinian mothers are serving different prison terms, while one of them is being held without charge or trial.

The report added that two Palestinian mothers are being held through an infamous Israeli policy of ‘administrative detention.’

It said the imprisoned mothers have 33 daughters and sons but they cannot see their children due to being deprived of open visits.

Female prisoners are allowed to see only one adult member of their family since the onset of the coronavirus outbreak and the suspension of family visits for Palestinian prisoners.

The report highlighted the fact that the female prisoners are subjected to all kinds of abuse and torture starting from the day of their arrest.

On March 3, Israeli forces arrested a mother of a child and a pregnant woman in her third month from the city of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank.

The detainee — identified as Anhar al-Hajjah –was taken to the female prisoners’ section in Hasharon jail and held in difficult conditions.

The report pointed out that since 2015, the number of Palestinian women who have been arrested has reached more than 900, among them mothers of prisoners, martyrs and minor girls.

Source: Press TV

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