Marib Governor Calls on People of Harib to Prevent Qaeda, Daesh from Entrenching in the District

Marib governor called on the people of Harib Bayhan district to prevent terrorist groups from al-Qaeda, Daesh and the mercenaries of the US-Saudi aggression from entrenching themselves in their areas.

“There is a plan by the US-Saudi aggression to push hundreds of terrorist groups to create barracks and military sites in the areas of the Harib district, after the defeats they received on the fronts of the province,” Ali Tuaman said in a statement to Saba News Agency on Wednesday.

Tuaman pointed out that the forces of aggression brought thousands of takfiri groups to the province from a number of southern and eastern provinces in a desperate attempt to stop the progress of the Armed Forces after the major collapses in the ranks of its mercenaries.

The governor stressed the importance of concerted efforts by the people of the province to prevent the presence of these terrorist groups in their areas, and to maintain security, stability and public tranquility.

He pointed out that the terrorists carried out multiple crimes against the people of Marib in an attempt to sow terror and fear among the citizens in the areas under the control of the forces of aggression.

“The Saudi and American intelligence are using their last cards in the battle of Marib, by using the groups of al-Qaeda and Daesh, after they have exhausted all their options and the people of Marib revealed the truth of its destructive and chaotic project,” he added.

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