Sayyid Al-Houthi Warns Saudi Regime: ‘Banks for Banks, Riyadh Airport for Sana’a Airport, Port for Port’

In a speech marking the Islamic New Year and addressing the latest developments, the Yemeni leader Sayyid Abdul-Malik Badreddin al-Houthi revealed that U.S. attempts to embroil Saudi Arabia in aggressive actions after the American military failures. He stated, “The American has sent messages indicating it will push the Saudi regime towards aggressive steps, and there have been U.S. visits to Saudi Arabia for this purpose.” Sayyid Al-Houthi emphasized that the economic sphere is a primary focus for the Americans because it affects all of the Yemenis.

He criticized the decision to relocate banks from Sana’a, calling it a “crazy and stupid move” that no one in the world would consider. Sayyid Al-Houthi pointed out that the Americans are aware of the negative impact this will have on the Yemeni people’s living conditions, currency, and prices. He accused the Saudi regime of taking this step to serve Israel and obey America, despite being advised and warned through all intermediaries to reconsider this reckless move.

After relocating the banks, the Saudi regime moved to disrupt Sana’a airport operations, halting flights despite their limited scope. Sayyid Al-Houthi noted that Israeli, American, and British incitements continued, pushing Saudi Arabia to close the port. He indicated that the American aim is to embroil Saudi Arabia in a full-scale war, returning the situation to its peak of escalation.

“Saudi Arabia has no issue, and there is no justification for its aggressive actions against our people other than serving Israel,” said Sayyid al-Houthi. “Nine years of occupation, controlling vast areas of our country, seizing resources, and mobilizing mercenaries to fight their own people were not enough for them, so they resorted to foolish steps.”

“We Will Not Stand Idly By”

Sayyid Al-Houthi affirmed that they will not remain shackled or idle in the face of such reckless steps, nor will they watch their people starve and their economy collapse. He stated that Yemen’s preoccupation with direct support for Gaza does not mean they cannot act against such foolish steps. “Anyone who thinks they can annihilate our people with hunger, disease, and severe blockade is mistaken,” he declared, promising retaliation against any aggression as part of their confrontation with the Americans, citing the Yemeni people’s patience due to their belief in a significant battle and prioritization of the Palestinian cause.

Addressing Saudi Arabia directly, Sayyid Al-Houthi warned, “Saudi must understand that we cannot remain silent about its foolish actions. We will respond in kind: banks for banks, Riyadh airport for Sana’a airport, ports for ports.” He questioned, “Will you accept if we tell the banks in Riyadh to relocate? Why impose this on our country?”

“When pushed to unavoidable options, we will act with conviction and assurance. We will not allow the annihilation of our people or their total economic collapse. We are prepared to take all necessary actions from a belief in our just cause and clear grievances,” Sayyid Al-Houthi asserted.

He accused the U.S. of pushing Saudi Arabia towards foolish and aggressive actions that are completely unacceptable. If the Saudi regime chooses to support the Americans and provide financial and media backing to the Israelis, it is their choice, but the consequences will be severe. Sayyid Al-Houthi highlighted the Saudi media’s clear support for Israel and the continued classification of Palestinian resistance movements as terrorists.

Reaffirming the cost to Saudi interests and security from entanglement with the Americans and Israelis, Sayyid Al-Houthi pointed to the ongoing detention of Hamas members by the Saudi regime. He revealed an offer to exchange Saudi pilots for Hamas prisoners, which was rejected in favor of supporting Israel.

Muscat Negotiations

Sayyid Al-Houthi disclosed that efforts were made during the negotiations held in Oman on the prisoner exchange issue. They aimed to succeed in initiating the second exchange batch, but the aggressive coalition obstinacy in Oman was evident, driven solely by solidarity with the Americans and Israelis. Despite this, Sayyid Al-Houthi confirmed their continuous pursuit of a prisoner exchange deal.

Yemeni Naval Operations Astound Enemies

Sayyid Al-Houthi also discussed Yemeni military operations in support of Gaza, noting their unique and impactful stance in the promised victory and sacred jihad battle, highlighting that their naval operations astounded and alarmed enemies with Allah’s support.

He clarified that before Yemen’s operations supporting Gaza began, the Americans believed they could stop them. However, the significant and advanced American capabilities failed to halt Yemeni operations or target their capacities and factories.

Sayyid Al-Houthi emphasized that American forces were surprised by Yemeni missile and naval tactics and manufacturing, viewing them as a model to learn from. He added that Yemeni fighters’ tactics overcame the advanced techniques of their enemies, resulting in enemy failure.

Impact on Israeli and American Economies

Sayyid Al-Houthi noted that Israeli maritime navigation was disrupted by nearly half and almost ceased in the Red Sea. Yemeni naval operations impacted the Israeli, American, and British economies, with the British economic impact contributing to their government’s collapse this week.

He pointed out that the Americans found themselves in a real predicament, sharing the burden and failure with the British and Israelis. European countries tried to deal smartly with American pressures, with some engaging defensively without attacking Yemen.

Most of the world refused to participate with the aggressive American forces at sea, directly coordinating with Yemen to ensure safe navigation. Sayyid Al-Houthi highlighted the American failure to embroil Red Sea countries in supporting the Israeli enemy and the failure to exploit neighboring Arab states to bomb Yemen from within.

Sayyid Al-Houthi concluded by affirming that most of the world’s nations did not get involved, choosing to engage directly with Yemen to ensure safe and peaceful navigation, marking a significant failure for the Americans in their attempts to enlist global support against Yemen.

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