(Ramadan Lecture Series 1446 A.H.) Presented by Al-Sayyid Abdul Malik Badruddin Al-Houthi (Lecture Two)
Sunday, 2 Ramadan 1446 A.H. (2 March 2025 A.D.)
An Introduction to the Quranic Stories
I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the outcast.
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
Praise is to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. I believe that there is no god but Allah, the Sovereign and the Manifest Truth, and that Muhammad, our master, is His servant, Messenger, and Last Prophet.
O Allah! Confer Your salat and blessings upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad as You conferred Your salat and blessings upon Ibrahim and the Family of Ibrahim. You are Owner of Praise, Owner of Glory! And be pleased with Muhammad’s good companions and all Your righteous servants and mujahidin.
O Allah! Guide us and grant us acceptance, for You are the Hearing, the Knowing; accept our repentance, for You are the Relenting and the Merciful.
Brothers and sisters, peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.
Regarding the topic of Quranic stories, we presented a number of Quranic stories during last year’s blessed month of Ramadan, focusing on some of Allah’s prophets. In this context, we spoke about some of the features of Quranic stories and related aspects. The forefront of that was why certain models of stories and historical events are presented in the Holy Quran and what distinguishes the Quranic presentation and narration of these past stories. We emphasised that the Holy Quran is a book of guidance; fundamentally, it is not a historical book that presents historical narrations and presentations like history books, nor does it offer stories in the same manner as specialised books in this field. Rather, it is greater and more significant than all of that.
The Holy Quran is a book of guidance. Therefore, the diverse examples of stories and historical events it presents are intended as a means to guidance. That is why it contains many lessons and insights, as well as many very important truths. Thus, it is rich in content, offering lessons, insights, truths, and great concepts, all of which fall under the theme of guidance. They provide guidance to us regarding our reality, our life circumstances, and our religion, as well as regarding drawing great values and morals when we hear and see them embodied in reality, through the noble examples that Allah has presented about his devotees, including the prophets, messengers, believers, and so on.
Allah (Glory be to Him) said in the Holy Quran, {‘We have truly set forth every kind of example in this Quran for people’}[Al-Isra 17:89]. Among these are the stories and the accounts it presents as models that are carefully chosen by the guidance, knowledge, and wisdom of Allah. He selects for us the best stories that contain important lessons, which we are in dire need of. These stories reveal significant truths and illustrate divine laws, which is one of the most critical aspects of the Quranic stories.
Also, as we mentioned during the blessed month of Ramadan last year, they are one of the hallmarks of the divine message. This is because they contain accounts of the unseen; Allah revealed them to His Messenger (PBUH&F), who was not from the People of the Scripture and lived among a people who received no divine scriptures, and he had no prior knowledge of these matters. So Allah (the Almighty) said, {‘That is of the news of the unseen which We reveal to you. Neither you nor your people knew it before this. So be patient; surely, the ultimate outcome is for the people of piety’}[Hud 11:49].
They also serve as an inspiration for emulation and guidance, as we have mentioned regarding the stories of the prophets and the believers. Allah (the Almighty) said, {‘And We relate to you the stories of the messengers to reassure your heart’}[Hud 11:120].
The great and significant features of the Quranic stories!
The features of the Quranic stories are great and important. Allah (Glory be to Him) said, {‘We relate to you the best of stories in what We have revealed to you of this Quran although you were, before it, among the unaware’}[Yusuf 12:3].
At the forefront of these features is that the stories of the Holy Quran come from Allah. It is Allah (Glory be to Him) Who narrated these models of stories. Consequently, they are true, including all the details and truths presented in them. No flaws or impurities are found in these stories, unlike many historical stories, events, and books. What Allah has provided for us in the Holy Quran is pure truth: free from any deception, myths, legends, or incorrect narratives. Indeed, He presents us with the truth in its purest form, unblemished by any impurities. Therefore, He says, {‘It is We who relate to you their story in truth’}[Al-Kahf 18:12].
Furthermore, they are selected by Allah (Glory be to Him). He has chosen for us since the record of history is indeed vast. We are the last of the nations; even when it comes to a person’s specialisation, no one can comprehend all the numerous historical events, even if he spent his entire life on this. However, through His knowledge and wisdom, Allah has chosen for us, as he knows well what we need most and what is most beneficial for us. He has presented us with diverse examples, and we will speak about the value and importance of this diversity.
Therefore, Allah (Glory be to Him) has chosen for us specific examples from the vast record of history that align with the circumstances of our lives, so that a person does not need to spend his entire life trying to study historical truths, events, and stories. He has chosen specific examples that are diverse and important and benefit us greatly. If this selection is from Allah, who else could be more precise and wiser in making such a selection? (Allah Almighty!)
In addition, the Quranic presentation is exceedingly refined in terms of style, expression and method. It offers guidance in every sense of the word and remains entirely free from negative influences. That is, even when it recounts factual events that include negative aspects, it does so in a manner that leaves no room for any adverse effect; when you listen to them or recite them in the Holy Quran, you are not negatively affected at all. Instead, these truths are delivered in a highly elegant manner. We gave examples of this last year, and, Allah willing, we will present further examples in these lectures.
Similarly, the Quranic stories are rich in lessons and guiding examples in terms of presenting truths, clarifying concepts, correcting misconceptions, addressing many aspects including spiritual aspects, and illustrating divine laws. This is why Allah (the Almighty) says, {‘There was certainly in their stories a guiding example for those of understanding’}[Yusuf 12:111]. Consequently, focusing on the guiding example of the story is a fundamental aspect of the Quranic narrative because it is, as we have said, a book of guidance.
Another distinctive feature of the stories in the Holy Quran is that they are true: They are not fictitious; rather, they are drawn from reality. This grants people credence to these stories, the truths they contain, the lessons and insights they inspire, and more. In fact, many narratives circulating in human life—as a matter of style—are either marred by falsehoods and myths (not being transmitted faithfully) or are conveyed in a manner detached from reality. There are also numerous imaginative tales that are conveyed and that, while depicting aspects of life, do not reflect the reality of life. They are imaginative and intended either to entertain people, to influence their feelings, or to achieve other similar purposes.
One of the distinctive features of the Quranic presentation of stories is that they reveal psychological dimensions based on truth rather than through guesswork or conjecture. That is because they come from Allah (the Almighty) Who knows what lies within the hearts and understands the psychological reality when He presents stories about particular individuals, examples, or communities. Allah is the Knowing of what is in the hearts and the secrets of the souls. When He presents an image of motives, psychological realities, and psychological states, He presents them as true facts from One Who knows what is within the souls. He presents even what lies hidden in thought and reflection, as He has full knowledge of it. Consequently, He does not merely recount events in their external form but delves into their depths, exploring the psychological reality, motives, and psychological states. These are important lessons in matters that we also need guidance on, as they represent a fundamental aspect of our lives.
The importance and benefits of diversity in the Quranic stories
The diversity in the Quranic stories is also significant, rich, and immensely beneficial. It includes many examples:
examples from the stories of the prophets—a vast collection of Allah’s prophets and messengers, which also includes varied circumstances, different conditions, and a range of contexts;
examples from the stories of the believers among the devotees of Allah (apart from the prophets) such as the story of the Companions of the Cave, the believer from Firaawn’s family, and the believer of the village mentioned in Surah Yaseen, among others;
examples from the stories of believing women, such as the story of the virtuous and pure Mariam [Mary], the daughter of Imran, after whom a surah is named in the Holy Quran, with multiple references to her character, along with other notable examples;
examples concerning various peoples and nations, including the people of Nuh, ‘Aad, Thamud, Firaawn’s people, and others;
examples of traders;
examples of farmers;
examples of scholars;
examples of kings.
Thus, there is a vast array of stories.
They are examples from which we benefit in various aspects of our lives including those related to beliefs, politics, economics, social matters, and ethics, as well as in our various affairs. As the last nation, we possess an immense store of events and experiences from human history. This allows us to learn from them as real-life experiences, for they present us with multiple and varied examples that impart important lessons. These lessons enhance our wisdom, prudence, insight, awareness and understanding and help us keep away from pitfalls, major errors, and attitudes that lead to catastrophic outcomes and avoid serious consequences resulting from particular attitudes or positions. Moreover, there are lessons in the realm of inviting others to Allah and knowing Allah, the Almighty. This is one of the most significant benefits we derive from the Quranic stories in increasing our knowledge of Allah. This is what we will notice in our presentation, Allah willing.
Last year, during the blessed month of Ramadan, we shared the following Quranic stories:
the story of Prophet Adam and his wife Hawwa (peace be upon them);
the story of Adam’s two sons;
the story of Prophet Idris (PBUH);
the story of Prophet Nuh (PBUH) and his people;
the story of Prophet Hud (PBUH) and his people, ‘Aad; and
the story of Prophet Salih (PBUH) and his people, Thamud.
It becomes clear to us how much the Quranic presentation of these stories contains important lessons, many truths, and profound insights, even though we have presented them briefly, with the limited knowledge we have and what we can offer.
Introduction to the Quranic stories: Prophet Ibrahim (A brief overview of his great status)
In this blessed month, we begin our journey into the Quranic stories with one of the greatest Prophets, one of the most prominent messengers and prophets of Allah. He is mentioned sixty-nine times in the Holy Quran, which speaks about him in twenty-five surahs, sharing stories and important truths related to him, including a surah named after him, Surah Ibrahim.
The discussion about the story of the prophet, messenger, and intimate friend of Allah, Ibrahim (PBUH), as recounted in the Holy Quran, is diverse in a way that is both beneficial and enlightening. It covers various situations, circumstances, positions, and different matters, all of which are rich in lessons and insights. His life journey is a comprehensive school of guidance, morals, values, wisdom, maturity, and how to build a close relationship with Allah (Glory be to Him), among many other aspects. We will discuss many of these, Allah willing, to the extent that Allah facilitates for us.
The Messenger of Allah, His Prophet, and His close friend, Ibrahim (PBUH), was honoured by Allah with the highest distinction. The discussion of him in the Holy Quran reveals to us his noble rank, exalted status, and high position. Allah says about him, {‘Allah chose Ibrahim as a close friend.’}[An-Nisa 4:125]. This is an immensely prestigious distinction, one of the highest and most honourable titles, reflecting his esteemed position with Allah, the Almighty.
Among the prophets and messengers, his rank is one of the highest; he is one of the best. His status among them is extremely elevated, as their positions and virtues differ in terms of rank, perfection, and roles, as Allah (Glory be to Him) says in the Holy Quran: {‘We have favoured some of those messengers above others’}[Al-Baqarah 2:253]. And as He (the Almighty) also says: {‘And We have surely favoured some prophets above others’}[Al-Isra 17:55]. Therefore, his status among the prophets and messengers is immense, serving as a model for those who came after him. This is why many lessons and insights from his life and biography are presented to them as guidance, inspiring them to follow his example.
Before delving into the details of the Quranic stories about him, let us briefly present his noble status and highlight aspects of his character and his human and faith perfection.
Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH), as Allah says about him, {‘I will certainly make you into a role model for people’}[Al-Baqarah 2:124], is a global figure. Many nations, groups, sects, and religions unite in their reverence and respect for him, each claiming him as a symbol of their own and claiming to follow his example. Even the polytheistic Arabs, who were immersed in polytheism and idol worship during the pre-Islamic period of ignorance, claimed to follow him and considered him their great symbol, despite their deep deviation, disbelief in the message, and rejection of the prophets and messengers. Similarly, the Jews claim him as their symbol, believing he shared their doctrinal and religious beliefs, as do the Christians and others. There are also peoples, nations, sects, and religious communities who make similar claims.
This is why Allah addressed them in the Holy Quran, stating, {‘Ibrahim was neither a Jew nor a Christian; he submitted in all uprightness and was not a polytheist’}[Ali ‘Imran 3:67]. He also refuted their claims and stated, {‘Indeed, those who have the best claim to Ibrahim are his followers’}[Ali ‘Imran 3:68]. So, who are the ones who truly represent him, who present him as their symbol, and assert their ideological and religious affiliation to him? This answers those who present him as their symbol, claim that they follow his example, and that they are spiritually and doctrinally tied to him: {‘Indeed, those who have the best claim to Ibrahim are his followers, this Prophet [Muḥammad], and the believers. Allah is the Guardian of the believers’}[Ali ‘Imran 3:68]. In essence, it is they—Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&F) and his followers—who truly carry forward Abraham’s legacy, his faith, and his teachings. They are the ones most worthy of this connection.
Examples of Quranic references to the character of the Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH)
As for examples of Quranic descriptions that reflect his character, as we mentioned, he is one whom Allah granted a remarkable and extraordinary honour that leaves one in awe. Allah said, {‘Allah chose Ibrahim as a close friend’}[An-Nisa 4:125]. This highlights the profound nature of his relationship with Allah (Glory be to Him) and his very elevated status. Being a close friend to Allah means being beloved and ally; Allah took him as His beloved and ally, placing him in a position of love for Allah and receiving love from Him at an exceptionally high level. He is very close to Allah, who loves him immensely and grants him a lofty rank. This alone is a great honour that showcases his perfection of faith and purity. We will discuss this point, Allah willing, in the context of the stories as we delve into the details. Therefore, he enjoyed remarkable care from Allah, and this is one of the important lessons from the stories of Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH): the extraordinary care he received from Allah (the Almighty) and what Allah granted him. This serves as a significant lesson regarding Allah’s care for His devotees and what He bestows upon them within the framework of His guardianship. He holds a prestigious place and a high status in his relationship with Allah, the Almighty.
Allah (the Almighty) says in the Holy Quran, {‘Ibrahim was truly a nation by himself, obedient to Allah, exclusively devoted to Him’}[An-Nahl 16:120]. This remarkable expression, {‘was a nation’}, presents us with a picture of Ibrahim’s perfection, his lofty status, and his immense role:
He was a nation in terms of the human, spiritual, and moral excellence he possessed, the principles he embodied, and the values he upheld. He was equal to a complete nation on his own. If the qualities of faith, morality, and humanity that he perfectly possessed were to be scattered across a nation, it would make it an exemplary righteous nation. This is a truly profound expression that helps us grasp the greatness of his character and the extent of his perfection.
He was a nation in his high qualifications, serving as a guide and a role model. He became a symbol for the prophets, a leader for people, and a global figure for humanity.
He was a nation in the significant role he played in establishing the foundations of truth, goodness, and guidance, as well as in opposing tyranny and misguidance. Despite starting his mission alone, the magnitude of the role he played was equivalent to that of an entire nation. Indeed, he was a person with such a role and influence that was equivalent to the efforts and role of a nation, the movement of a nation. This underscores the remarkable role he fulfilled and the effort he exerted, along with the influence and outcomes he achieved.
This is why Allah referred to him with this expression, as it is a comprehensive phrase that encompasses all these implications and meanings.
{‘Ibrahim was truly a nation by himself, obedient to Allah.’} Here, the Holy Quran presents us with highly elevated qualities, illustrating the depth of his faith and his relationship with Allah, the Almighty. These attributes were among the key factors that qualified him for this role and elevated him to such a lofty status and esteemed position.
{‘Obedient to Allah’}—these are important qualities. Several attributes fall under the title: {‘Obedient to Allah’}. Indeed, he was fully submissive and obedient to Allah. Therefore, in His saying (Glory be to Him) {‘obedient to Allah, exclusively devoted to Him’}, we conclude that he was a great model:
in his love for Allah, his sincerity to Him, and his steadfastness in following His path;
in his complete submission to Allah;
in his humility before Allah (Glory be to Him);
in his unwavering commitment to the path of Allah.
In fact, all these qualities are encompassed in Allah’s saying, {‘obedient to Allah, exclusively devoted to Him’}. We will also discuss, within the details of his stories, how these qualities were profoundly manifested in his reality, his actions, his deeds, and his stances in a remarkable and exceptional manner.
Moreover, the Holy Quran presents him as a great symbol of submission and surrender to Allah, as stated, {‘When his Lord said to him, “Submit,” he responded, “I submit to the Lord of all worlds”’}[Al-Baqarah 2:131]. In the stories about him, examples from his practical life will illustrate this submission and surrender to Allah, the Almighty. The Quran also presented him as an exemplary model of sincerity: {‘He was surely a man of truth and a prophet’}[Maryam 19:41]. The expression, {‘a man of truth’}, signifies his absolute belief in the words of Allah. His sincerity was also evident in his speech, his devotion, and his actions—absolute and of the highest standard.
He was also a model of unwavering certainty, which will be discussed later. Regarding his gratitude, {‘[He was] grateful for Allah’s favours’}[An-Nahl 16:121]. He really appreciated and magnified Allah’s blessings upon him. He expressed gratitude for Allah’s favours in his words and deeds, with his heart and conduct. Further details on this topic will also be discussed later.
Regarding his sound judgment, knowledge, reasoning, wisdom, and insight, Allah (Glory be to Him) also said, {‘And We had certainly granted Ibrahim sound judgment early on, and We knew him well’}[Al-Anbya 21:51]. He was a wise person of sound judgment, possessing deep insight, knowledge, and understanding. {‘And remember Our servants: Ibrahim, Ishaq, and Yaqub—the men of strength and insight’}[Sad 38:45]. He was among those who remained committed to truth and contributed significantly to establishing truth. Through his journey in prophethood and delivering the divine message, he gave a powerful impetus to truth and guidance—one that endured for many generations. {‘This was the argument We gave Ibrahim against his people. We elevate in rank whoever We please’}[Al-An’am 6:83].
Regarding his forbearance, Allah said, {‘Ibrahim was truly tender-hearted, forbearing’}[At-Tawbah 9:114]. In another verse, Allah said, {‘Truly, Ibrahim was forbearing, tender-hearted, and ever turning [to his Lord]’}[Hud 11:75]. Ibrahim was forbearing and stood as a role model of forbearance. Details and definitions of this quality and its implications will follow.
He was also a model of generosity and hospitality; further details will be presented in the stories. He was truly a symbol of disassociating oneself from the enemies of Allah and taking a firm stance against them, as Allah said, {‘You already have an excellent example in Ibrahim and those with him, when they said to their people, “We totally dissociate ourselves from you and whatever you worship besides Allah. We reject you. Enmity and hatred has arisen between us and you forever”‘}[Al-Mumtahanah 60:4].
There are numerous themes and abundant details. We will discuss many of these themes alongside their meanings, truths, lessons, and insights within the stories that Allah has related about him. In these stories, as we have mentioned, Allah presents examples from various circumstances, different matters, and diverse situations.
We ask Allah (Glory be to Him) to grant us success in seeking what pleases Him. O Allah! Have mercy on our virtuous martyrs, heal the wounded among us, set free our captives, and grant us victory. You are the Hearer of Prayer!
May Allah (Glory be to Him) accept our fasting, night prayers, and good deeds and make us among those saved from the Fire in this blessed month.
Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.