New Saudi methods to dismantle UAE-backed militias in Aden revealed

Security sources in Aden revealed a sudden return of a military commander loyal to the Al-Islah party in the past two days to Aden, causing anger to the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council.

The sources explained that the return of the commander of the so-called “Special Security Forces” of the Hadi government, Suleiman al-Zamki, to Aden, came in coordination with Saudi forces, since the takeover of the city by the “STC” militias in August 2019.

Moreover, the sources confirmed that Saudi Arabia is moving towards dismantling the transitional militias and weakening them in Aden, by continuing to send military reinforcements to the camps of Qasr Ma’ashiq Palace.

Furthermore, the sources added that Saudi Arabia worked to attract a number of military leaders loyal to the STC to its ranks, including the commander of the fourth military region Fadl al-Omari, who was suspended by the defense minister of the “Hadi government” from his duties, in September 2019.

In the past few days, Al-Omari appeared at the Saudi-occupied Al-An’ad base, declaring allegiance to the so-called “legitimacy”, after he had prevented officers and soldiers from the Fourth Region from confronting STC militias in August 2019.

It is worth mentioning that the Saudi occupation forces are carrying out secret steps to overthrow the “STC”, by supporting and financing southern anti-transitional political components, within the framework of the so-called “alternative policy”, especially after the failure of the Riyadh Agreement for the second time between the “Hadi government” and STC backed by Emirates.

Source: YPA

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