Child killed in Saada and ongoing violations of Hodeidah agreement

The US-Saudi aggression forces’ violations of armistice in Hodeidah province continued during the past 24 hours, while a child was killed in Saudi bombing on Saada province, and a series of coalition airstrikes targeted three provinces.

In Hodeidah province, the aggression forces fired more than 50 artillery shells on the kilo 16 area in al-Durayhimi district, causing severe damage to citizens’ homes and property, according to a military source.

Several positions in Sanaa Street, the 50th Street and the July 7 area in the city of Hodiedah were bombed by the aggresson forces with two Katyusha rockets and artillery and mortar shells.

They also fired from machine guns at several villages of Hays district, and fired over 25 artillery shells and two Katyusha rockets on citizens’ farms and property in al-Jabaliya area of al-Tuhita district.

The source indicated that the coalition forces launched 10 Katyusha rockets and artillery shells on al-Jah area of Bait al-Faqih district in Hodeidah.

In Saada province, a child was killed due to Saudi missile and artillery bombardment on the populated areas in the border district of Razih, while an air raid hit al-Dhaher district.

It is noteworthy that the brutal American-Emirati aggression began launching its criminal raids on the Yemeni people on March 26, 2015, committing hundreds of massacres against children and women in unprecedented war crimes and with international collusion.


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