Islamic Jihad: Emirati and Israeli Armies Involved in Bloodshed in Yemen, Syria, Iraq and Libya

Senior Islamic Jihad Movement member Ahmed al-Mudallal considered that the message of the Emirati Ambassador Yousef Al-Otaiba to the Zionist entity, confirms the extent of the setback, submission and humiliation that some Arab regimes have led, including the UAE government, seeking the continuation of normalization with the Zionist entity, stressing that the Zionist and Emirati armies share the destruction bloodshed in Yemen Syria, Iraq and Libya.


“What Israel is doing against the Palestinian people in terms of killing, judaizing, displacement, arrests, blockade and annexation of lands is nothing but provocations that harm normalization and weaving relations with Arab countries,” Al-Mudallal said in a televised interview on Friday.


“With no shame, Otaiba talked about the large Zionist presence on the territory of the UAE and the participation of the Emirati and Zionist armies in their activities, which confirms that the Zionist enemy has a great deal in the conflicts that destroyed the capabilities, wealth and bloodshed in Yemen, Syria, Iraq and Libya and work to divide these countries for the benefit of the Zionist enemy,” he added.


“While Otaiba demands that Israel not embark on the annexation, he is proud of his presence in the White House moments of the announcement of the century deal. This is considered contradictory because the deal of the century spoke of the Jewish state of Israel, which includes Judea and Samaria, meaning the West Bank.”


Mudallal affirmed his movement’s rejection of this weak stance towards an Arab country, stressing that these do not represent the Arab peoples who made sacrifices for the sake of Palestine, the central issue of the Arabs.


The Emirati ambassador to the US published on Friday an opinion piece in Hebrew in Israeli media pointing out the risks of Israel’s planned annexation of parts of the West Bank on its ties with Arab countries and impact on regional stability.


The UAE was the gateway to the entity to the Arab world and the whole world. It considered that Hezbollah is a terrorist organization and denounced Hamas’ positions. Its army participated with the Zionist army as the largest in the capabilities in the region.


Otaiba noted the existence and religious freedom of a Jewish community in Dubai and the fact that Israel was invited to participate in the 2020 World Expo, planned to take place in the city this summer, but was postponed to 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Source: Agencies.

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