Former Sudanese foreign minister arrested on charges of planning subversive acts

Sudanese media reported on Monday evening that authorities have arrested a former foreign minister, Ibrahim Ghandour, on charges of involvement in planning subversive acts in the country.

Sudanese media quoted that the leader of the “Freedom and Change” forces, Mohamed Diaa El-Din, as saying that military leaders loyal to the previous regime were arrested and were planning a military coup in the country with calls for demonstrations.

Salah Manaa, a member of the  Empowerment Removal, anti-Corruption Committee said the authorities seized a group of “Hashd” forces, the State of Law and Development Party, the Popular Congress Party founded by the late Hassan al-Turabi, the party of ousted President Omar al-Bashir (National Congress) and the Platform for Just Peace, and were planning to carry out acts of sabotage in conjunction with the June 30th million march.

According to state television, the group was seized at the headquarters of  Tawasol organization in the suburb of Arquette in the south of the capital Khartoum, stressing that it was planning a sit-in and sabotage of the “Maltouf” in the million march.

Earlier on Monday, authorities announced the arrest of nine leaders of the Islamist movement and al-Bashir’s party for planning a hostile act to the revolution and the transitional government.

Authorities seized leaflets inciting the overthrow of the transitional government, which it planned to distribute to protesters.  these leaflets were found inside a house in Khartoum belonging to Al-Bashir’s supporters to demonstrate on Tuesday.

Authorities are preparing for a widespread deployment in Khartoum to secure the June 30 million march adopted by political, civil, popular and activist forces, and rejected by other forces, while Islamist groups and supporters of ousted President Al-Bashir have announced their participation, heightening fears of violent clashes.

Source: Agencies.

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