Al-Qaeda and Daesh Gangs Execute Dentist in Al-Baidha Governorate

Al-Qaeda and Daesh (ISIS) gangs have executed Mutahar Mohammad Al-Yousifi, a dentist from Taiz governorate, who works in Al-Baidha governorate.

Local sources confirmed that Al-Yousfi has been working as a dentist in the Al-Sawma’a District for ten years, and after the takfiri gangs fled from Qifah to Al-Sawma’a, they executed and crucified Dr. Al-Yousfi on charges of communicating with the Army and Popular Committees.

The sources stated that the takfiri elements intend to execute more of their abductees.

The incident had great popular condemnation, Yemeni activists put the responsibility for supporting the takfiri organizations on the US-Saudi aggressive coalition.

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