Capital, Sana’a, witnesses massive protests to denounce normalization with the Zionist enemy

Quoted from Saba News Agency that the districts of al-Safia, al-Sabeen, and Bani al-Hareth in the capital Sanaa have staged protests to denounce UAE normalization with the Zionist enemy under the slogan “Unquestionably, the party of Satan – they will be the losers.

The people, sheiks, leaders of al-Safia district expressed their disapproval and rejection of all forms of normalization, treason, and agreements with the Israeli enemy.

A member of the Yemen Scholars Association Khalid Moussa, member of parliament Ali Abu Halika, undersecretary of Capital Sanaa Abdulfattah al-Sharafi and director of the district Naji al-Sheyani, confirmed that the normalization of the UAE officially with the Zionist entity revealed the truth of its rulers and that they are a tool in the hands of the enemies of the nation in carrying out enemies’ plans and crimes against the Yemeni people.

While people, sheikhs, the leadership of the al-Sabeen district, which also gathered undersecretary of capital Sanaa Ali al-Qafri, Director-General of the district Mohammed al-Washali, and Secretary-General of the capital Mohammed al-Sadiq, described normalization with the Israeli enemy as a betrayal of the nation and the Palestinian cause.

They called on the peoples of the Arab and Islamic states to declare their positions against normalization with the Zionist enemy.

Bani al-Hareth’s vigil, which gathered the Acting Minister of Tourism Ahmed al-Alie, undersecretary of the capital Sanaa Yahya Jamil, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Endowments Saleh al-Khawlani, Director General of the district Hamad al-Sharif, members of the local council, sheiks, social figures, the participants in the vigil affirmed the continuation of the positions of the Yemeni people in support for the Palestinian cause and the steadfastness of Palestinian people until the restoration of al-Quds and its liberation from the evil of the Jews.

Statements issued by the vigils confirmed the complete rejection of the step carried out by the Emirati regime’s normalization with the usurping Zionist entity, reaffirming the Yemeni people’s standing with the axis of resistance.

The statements called on the peoples of Iraqi, Syrian, and Lebanon and their brave resistance to continue to fight until every inch of their territories is cleared of the filth of the invaders and occupiers.

The vigils also blessed the Yemeni people for the great and continuous victories, the last of which was the cleansing of Qifah, stressing the continuation of providing the fronts with money and fighters until victory is achieved.

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