Dhamar city witnesses a mass rally denouncing the aggression and siege

Dhamar governorate witnessed a mass protest stand condemning the US-Saudi aggression coalition blockade on Yemen under the slogan “The siege of the American aggression coalition kills the Yemeni people.”

During the protest, presented by the governorate agents, members of the local authority, the executive office, military and security leaders, and the supervisory council, governor Muhammad Nasser Al-Bukhaiti pointed to the importance of realizing that the conflict in the world is between the legitimacy of truth and polytheism from the day that Allah created the earth until the day of resurrection.

He confirmed, “Falsehood has rallied for the Yemen war because it raised the flag of truth and carries an independent spirit that does not accept submission and refraction.”

He called those who were deceived in the ranks of the aggression to return to the right path and benefit from the pardon decision issued by the Supreme Political Council.

As well as the participants emphasized the continuation of the general mobilization and supplying the fronts with men and money to defend the homeland so as to cleanse the country from invaders.

They also praised the victories of the army and popular committees on various fronts, particularly in Marib front against the US-Saudi mercenaries.

They condemned the continuation of the aggression in detaining the oil ships despite the humanitarian catastrophe that will result from.

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