Fisheries Ministry Reveals Losses during the 6 Years of US-Saudi Aggression

The Ministry of Fisheries held a press conference, Saturday, on the losses of the sector during the 6 years of aggression and blockade.

During a press conference, the Minister of Fisheries said that the number of the monitored attacks on the fisheries sector reached 85 direct attacks. The number of martyrs among fishermen and the fish sector reached 271 martyrs and dozens of injured.

The Minister of Fisheries added that 1749 fishermen were kidnapped, imprisoned and tortured, 28 of whom are still prisoned, while the losses of the fish sector in the Red Sea monitored as a result of the aggression amounted to more than 10 billion dollars.

He stated that the losses in the infrastructure of the fishery sector amounted to more than 137 million US dollar, while the number of boats totally destroyed in the coasts of the governorates of Hodeidah and Hajjah reached 250 boats, at a total cost of more than $ 2 million.

He pointed out that the losses resulting from the cessation of the implementation of fish projects in the Red Sea amounted to approximately 2 billion dollars, while the total losses due to unlicensed fishing under the protection of the aggression vessels amounted to more than 3 billion dollars.

He pointed out that the total assessment of the environmental damage resulting from the aggression was more than 2 million and 500 thousand dollars, while the losses of industries and services associated with the fish activity amounted to more than 21 million dollars.

He explained that the losses in fees and revenues amounted to more than 120 million dollars, 40 thousand fishermen were affected as a result of the aggression and the blockade, while the number of employees in the fishery sector who lost their jobs reached more than 100 official and contracting employees, and more than 21 thousand assistive workers.

The Minister of Fisheries added that 45 exporters of fish, companies and individuals, were affected during the years of aggression and siege, and there is only one export company operating in a limited way, explaining that 50 factories have stopped their activities due to the decrease in fish production.

He stated that US-Saudi aggression damages the lives of more than two million citizens from coastal cities.

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