Four Palestinian killed by Zionist enemy in Jenin

Four Palestinian youths were  killed on Monday by Israeli army gunfire during a raid into the northern West Bank city of Jenin and its refugee camp, medical and local sources confirmed.

Sources at Jenin hospital  said that Saleh Amar, 19, from Jenin refugee camp, and Raed Abu Saif, 21, from Jenin city, have both been killed by Israeli gunfire

The sources also noted that the Israeli forces kidnapped the bodies of two more slain Palestinians, one of them identified as Nour Jarrar from Jenin city while the fourth has yet to be identified.

According to the sources, clashes broke out between resistance fighters and enemy soldiers, with large explosions, mutual gunfire and various confrontations, while the occupation special units fired at the youths with intention to kill.

In recent days, enemy media have indicated that the enemy army is preparing for a military operation in Jenin against the backdrop of growing armed clashes with resistance fighters.

Palestinian forces in Jenin declared a mass strike in the city and its camp to mourn the martyrs.

Source: Agencies.

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