UAE militias prevent anti-occupation demonstrations in Socotra

The so-called Transitional Council of the Emirates, approved on Sunday evening, a ban on demonstrations in the Socotra Archipelago.

This came after the escalation of demonstrations rejecting the policy of starvation, subjugation, and occupation that escalated on the occupied island of Socotra.

It came in conjunction with angry protests by the island’s citizens against the deteriorating conditions and demanding the departure of the occupation forces.

The decision to prevent peaceful demonstrations came because the demonstrators raised banners calling for the complete departure of the Emirati presence, and it warned citizens against raising slogans against the aggression and its militias.

Citizens of the island considered the statement to legitimize the policy of repression and abuse against the people of the island, noting that any repression will be faced with a popular escalation that will not stop until the entire occupation forces leave.

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