Tragic Incident in Rada’a: Ministry of Interior Expresses Deep Regret and Ensures Justice

The spokesperson for the Ministry of Interior, Brigadier Abdul Khaliq Al-Ajri, expressed deep regret over the tragic incident that occurred in the city of Rada’a in Al-Bayda governorate. The unfortunate event resulted in the loss of several security personnel and citizens.

The spokesperson clarified that the incident was a result of an error by some security personnel during the execution of a security campaign to pursue some miscreants who had previously attacked security personnel. This led to the martyrdom of two security personnel and injuries to others. During the pursuit of the miscreants, some individuals irresponsibly used excessive and illegal force without returning and taking directions from the security leadership or informing the Ministry of Interior.

The Ministry of Interior has formed urgent field committees to investigate the details of the incident that occurred in Rada’a. The Minister of Interior directed the arrest of the culprits involved in the incident and referred them to justice. The ministry will not tolerate any transgressor from the security personnel or those affiliated with the security institution in any region who violates the law or breaches the ethics of security work and the national and religious obligations of a security man.

His Excellency the Minister of Interior directed compensation to the families of the victims and those affected by the incident. He reiterated his regret for what happened in Rada’a and stated that security personnel can only be protectors of the security and tranquility of the homeland and the citizen. The Ministry of Interior is committed to ensuring that such incidents do not recur and that the rule of law is upheld.

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